
See recent media appearances by Garry McCarthy of McCarthy Byrnes.
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In the Media

Legal cynicism, the biggest threat to policing

Legal cynicism, the biggest threat to policing

Garry McCarthy | TEDx Naperville – Previously leading the country’s 2nd largest police force in Chicago, Garry McCarthy shares his blunt and honest thoughts on what is happening in policing today, and how we need to start having a new conversation with law enforcement.

IACP 2015 – Chicago Police Department Profile

IACP tv profiles this year’s host police department, the City of Chicago. IACP tv exclusively sat down to talk about law enforcement philosophies with both Chicago Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy & Mayor Rahm Emanuel.

Create a Line of Defense on Every Front

McCarthy Byrnes helps your business continually stay up-to-date on the latest security measures.

With all the challenges facing your business today, maintaining the highest level of security should not be one.

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