Mayoral Candidate Garry McCarthy Opposes $95 Million Police Academy Plan

Youth and community groups who oppose Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s plan for a new $95 million police academy have been protesting for months. Tuesday night, the protesters were joined by a surprising ally – former Police Superintendent and Mayoral Candidate Garry McCarthy.
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Mayoral Candidate Garry McCarthy Opposes $95 Million Police Academy Plan

Home » Video » CBS 2 » Mayoral Candidate Garry McCarthy Opposes $95 Million Police Academy Plan

June 5, 2018

In 2019, youth and community groups voiced their opposition to Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s $95 million police academy plan through months of protests. In an unexpected turn, former Police Superintendent and Mayoral Candidate Garry McCarthy joined the protesters. Garry McCarthy sits down with CBS2 to discuss his opposition to the plan, as well as his dedication to fostering community engagement and public safety.

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